Recuritment for Various Position Click here to know more An appeal to Donate for Ganpat University Covid Care Centre Click here to know more

Recuritment for Various Position Click here to know more An appeal to Donate for Ganpat University Covid Care Centre Click here to know more

National Level Summer Internship Project Competition
GUNI-FMS organized 21st edition of its legacy event “Pratibha”-a national level summer internship project competition on October 5, 2024. The inaugural function was graced by Hon. President and Patron-in-Chief Dr. Ganpat I. Patel (dada) and Hon. Pro Chancellor and Director General Dr. Mahendra Sharma. Mr. Sunil Veluri, Global Sales Head, Lucent Innovation dignified the inaugural function as a guest. He stressed upon the importance of shaping the personality and grooming as key requirements in the corporate as a beginner. Participants from 20 Universities, 25 institutes and 4 states presented their summer internship projects in three parallel tracks in online and in-person mode. Mr. Venkat Subramanian, Mr. Umashankar Umapathy, Dr. Pinaz Tiwari, Dr. Bhavesh Parmar, Dr. Kavita Saxena, Dr. Mitali Baruah and Mr. Ravi Tekchandani and Aarthi Vaitheeswaran were the panel members of tracks. Out of all participants showcasing their exemplary learning and contribution during internships, Margee Modi, Department of Business Intelligence, B.K. School of Professional and Management Studies, Gujarat University secured the first position. The second position was secured by Aditi Thakkar from Tolani Motwane Institute of Management Studies. Jay Priyadarshi from V. M. Patel Institute of Management, Ganpat University secured the third place. Pratyaksh Jain,FMS-IRM, Jaipur received Best Communication Skills award during the prize distribution ceremony. The event brought a fresh perspective in several ways to all the attendees in terms of learning and exchange of ideas.