Recuritment for Various Position Click here to know more An appeal to Donate for Ganpat University Covid Care Centre Click here to know more

Recuritment for Various Position Click here to know more An appeal to Donate for Ganpat University Covid Care Centre Click here to know more

Past Events
Alumni Webirnar Series 20...
Alumni Webirnar Series 2020 Changing Dynamics of Retail(E-Commerce) by Mr. Nayan...
Be a Game Changer with a...
Be a Game Changer with a Career in LSCM
A webinar on career oppor...
A webinar on career opportunities in logistic and supply chain management
How India Works: Expectat...
Dr. Sourbhi Chaturved...
Corporate life: learning...
The Dr. D. V. Patel lecture on "Corporate...
Marketing in a Digitally...
Dr. Pramod Paliwal, P...
Research Proposal Develop...
Prof. (D...
Entrepreneurship Orientat...
Mr. Anki...
Workshop on Python for Fi...
Topic: Workshop on Python...
MoneyBees Finance Club: W...
Topic: Workshop on Introdu...
GCeMP 2k22
14th International Conference on Transforming Business in ESG(Environmental, Soc...
GCeMP2k24: 16th Internati...
GCeMP2k24: 16th International Conference
Pratibha National Level S...
Hello, Greetings from Ganpat University - Faculty of Management...
Faculty Development Progr...
Faculty Development Program on Fostering Academic Leadership...
Pratibha - National Level...
Pratibha - National Level Summer Project Competition
17th Ganpat University In...
Ganpat University's Faculty of Management Studies (FMS)
Workshop on – Land Your D...
Objective of the event: (why this event has organized, Brief about Importance...
Expert Talk - "Negotiatio...
Objective of the event: (why this event has organized, Brief about Importance...
Expert Guest Lecture on G...
Report on Expert Guest Lecture on Group Discussion Introduction
Workshop on Python for Fi...
Workshop on Python for Financial Analysis
Rethink HR Club
The Data Visualization Workshop in Tableau was conducted on 05/12/2023 at HR
Expert talk on AI and Hum...
The expert talk on 'AI and Human-Robot Interaction,' delivered by Prof....
Workshop on Mutual Fund E...
Ganpat University - V.M. Patel Institute of Management (VMPIM) organized a works...
Expert talk - “Role ofmen...
Objective of the event: (why this event has organized, Brief about Importance...
Workshop on Profit and pe...
The workshop on 'Profit and Perils of Doing International Business,' hel...
Conference Research Works...
Workshop conducted by the distinguished Dr. Ashish Galande from the Indian Insti...
Seminar on “From Campus t...
On March 14th, 2024, the V.M. Patel Institute of Management (VMPIM) at Ganpat Un...
Summer Internship Worksho...
Ganpat University – V. M. Patel Institute of Management hosted an insightf...

3rd National Level Workshop on
November 23-24-30
December 01-14-15
To increase the research impact and quality research output, Faculty of Management Studies is organizing this 6-days long innovative workshop on quality research paper writing. There are six participants who are on their research publication journey. The resource persons of this workshop are: Dr. Hiren Patel, Dr. Abhishek Parikh and Dr. Jayesh Patel.
Maffadal Ownali Katheria | Online Consumer loyalty: information adoption, information credibility and e-WOM credibility using central/peripheral route | Model developed and variables+ scales identified |
Dr. Kundan Patel
| Financial literacy to financial well-being: using financial attitude as a mediator | Model and questionnaire finalised |
Prof. Sameer Pandya
| Dropout behaviour: understanding parents psychology and profiling | Model is finalized |
Dr. Vipul Patel
| Online Shopping apps adoption: interplaying UTAUT2 for taxi, food and wallet apps | Model and questionnaire finalised |
Prof. Vidhita Sinha
| Functional foods adoption: understanding influence of health concern and health benefits | Model is finalized
Mr. Amit Shukla | Advertising appeal, ecolabels and attitudes | Model is finalized; advert to be developed |