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Past Events
Alumni Webirnar Series 20...
Alumni Webirnar Series 2020 Changing Dynamics of Retail(E-Commerce) by Mr. Nayan...
Be a Game Changer with a...
Be a Game Changer with a Career in LSCM
A webinar on career oppor...
A webinar on career opportunities in logistic and supply chain management
How India Works: Expectat...
Dr. Sourbhi Chaturved...
Corporate life: learning...
The Dr. D. V. Patel lecture on "Corporate...
Marketing in a Digitally...
Dr. Pramod Paliwal, P...
Research Proposal Develop...
Prof. (D...
Entrepreneurship Orientat...
Mr. Anki...
Workshop on Python for Fi...
Topic: Workshop on Python...
MoneyBees Finance Club: W...
Topic: Workshop on Introdu...
GCeMP 2k22
14th International Conference on Transforming Business in ESG(Environmental, Soc...
GCeMP2k24: 16th Internati...
GCeMP2k24: 16th International Conference
Pratibha National Level S...
Hello, Greetings from Ganpat University - Faculty of Management...
Faculty Development Progr...
Faculty Development Program on Fostering Academic Leadership...
Pratibha - National Level...
Pratibha - National Level Summer Project Competition
17th Ganpat University In...
Ganpat University's Faculty of Management Studies (FMS)
Workshop on – Land Your D...
Objective of the event: (why this event has organized, Brief about Importance...
Expert Talk - "Negotiatio...
Objective of the event: (why this event has organized, Brief about Importance...
Expert Guest Lecture on G...
Report on Expert Guest Lecture on Group Discussion Introduction
Workshop on Python for Fi...
Workshop on Python for Financial Analysis
Rethink HR Club
The Data Visualization Workshop in Tableau was conducted on 05/12/2023 at HR
Expert talk on AI and Hum...
The expert talk on 'AI and Human-Robot Interaction,' delivered by Prof....
Workshop on Mutual Fund E...
Ganpat University - V.M. Patel Institute of Management (VMPIM) organized a works...
Expert talk - “Role ofmen...
Objective of the event: (why this event has organized, Brief about Importance...
Workshop on Profit and pe...
The workshop on 'Profit and Perils of Doing International Business,' hel...
Conference Research Works...
Workshop conducted by the distinguished Dr. Ashish Galande from the Indian Insti...
Seminar on “From Campus t...
On March 14th, 2024, the V.M. Patel Institute of Management (VMPIM) at Ganpat Un...
Summer Internship Worksho...
Ganpat University – V. M. Patel Institute of Management hosted an insightf...
Webinar on "Thesis Preparation Using Advanced Features of MS Word" by Dr. Shital Badshah

of Webinar on “Thesis Preparation Using Advance Features of MS Word” by Dr. Shital Badshah(22nd
August 2020)
Patel Institute of Management (FMS) organized a Webinar under GUNI-FMS Webinar
Series on 22nd August with a topic- Thesis Preparation Using Advance
Features of MS Word, where 185 participants participated in the Webinar. The
panelist were Dr. Sourbhi Chaturvedi, Dean-Faculty of Management, Dr. Hiren
Patel, Associate Dean, and In-charge Principal, VMPIM, and Dr. Abhishek Parikh,
Principal, VMPCMS, Dr. Deepesh Dasani, Asst Professor, VMPIM and Webinar was
moderated by Prof. Dhara Jha. She introduced Dr. Shital Badshah, who is founder
of Growth Catalyst and has done PhD on Leadership and is certified Leadership
Coach from IIM Bangalore. He works as Leadership Coach. He works with three
kind of companies: MNCs, Family Business, and SMEs. He helps senior management
executives to be better leaders, so they can lead their organisation
successfully. He has served companies like Gujarat Gas, L&T, Jubilant,
Varmora Group, and BNI. He also acts as advisor and resource person to many
educational set up like KJ Institute, Savli; PDPU, Nirma, and Ganpat University.
She extended warm welcome to him on behalf of Faculty of Management Studies.
Badshah explained the benefits of Ph.D. thesis Webinar- Knowledge of Microsoft
word, Importance of Edited part of the report & Learn with Advance features
of Microsoft word which will help in updating the thesis in a better way. He started his discussion with his deep
association with Ganpat University. He explained
that the knowledge of MS Word is very important for making your thesis.
He covered many points
related to the preparation of a thesis by using Advance version of MS Word. He
dealt with concept formulation, objectives of preparing thesis effectively using
MS Word
He divided the workshop
into three segments.
to use the word effectively
(Title, Headings, Subheadings, Normal)
(Margins, Text Layout, Page Background)
Elements(TOC, Header, Footer)
and Updating
cross-referencing(subject, author etc)
for the final edition
emphasized on the practice to use MS Word, any version & style, text, Table
of Content, topic, sub-topics, short method of line spacing, to use two
different types of numbering system(Roman character and decimal system in one
document), how to apply bullet points, multiple level numbering systems, APA
style of Reference with the help of MS Word, putting title, making a hypothesis
and enlisting it in Table of content with the help of MS Word, updating
Bibliographies, the role of margins, the utility of footnote and endnotes. He
also dealt with Data Analysis and elaboration about figures etc. It was a very
informative session for the preparation of the thesis.
Question-Answer session was also conducted in which participants asked various
questions related to the topic with great enthusiasm. All the queries were
taken up by Dr. Shital Badshah in a very positive and healthy manner. At last
Dr. Deepesh Dasani extended vote of thanks to Dr. Shital Badshah, the team of
panelists and participants of the day.