Recuritment for Various Position Click here to know more An appeal to Donate for Ganpat University Covid Care Centre Click here to know more

Recuritment for Various Position Click here to know more An appeal to Donate for Ganpat University Covid Care Centre Click here to know more

Past Events
Alumni Webirnar Series 20...
Alumni Webirnar Series 2020 Changing Dynamics of Retail(E-Commerce) by Mr. Nayan...
Be a Game Changer with a...
Be a Game Changer with a Career in LSCM
A webinar on career oppor...
A webinar on career opportunities in logistic and supply chain management
How India Works: Expectat...
Dr. Sourbhi Chaturved...
Corporate life: learning...
The Dr. D. V. Patel lecture on "Corporate...
Marketing in a Digitally...
Dr. Pramod Paliwal, P...
Research Proposal Develop...
Prof. (D...
Entrepreneurship Orientat...
Mr. Anki...
Workshop on Python for Fi...
Topic: Workshop on Python...
MoneyBees Finance Club: W...
Topic: Workshop on Introdu...
GCeMP 2k22
14th International Conference on Transforming Business in ESG(Environmental, Soc...
GCeMP2k24: 16th Internati...
GCeMP2k24: 16th International Conference
Pratibha National Level S...
Hello, Greetings from Ganpat University - Faculty of Management...
Faculty Development Progr...
Faculty Development Program on Fostering Academic Leadership...
Pratibha - National Level...
Pratibha - National Level Summer Project Competition
17th Ganpat University In...
Ganpat University's Faculty of Management Studies (FMS)
Workshop on – Land Your D...
Objective of the event: (why this event has organized, Brief about Importance...
Expert Talk - "Negotiatio...
Objective of the event: (why this event has organized, Brief about Importance...
Expert Guest Lecture on G...
Report on Expert Guest Lecture on Group Discussion Introduction
Workshop on Python for Fi...
Workshop on Python for Financial Analysis
Rethink HR Club
The Data Visualization Workshop in Tableau was conducted on 05/12/2023 at HR
Expert talk on AI and Hum...
The expert talk on 'AI and Human-Robot Interaction,' delivered by Prof....
Workshop on Mutual Fund E...
Ganpat University - V.M. Patel Institute of Management (VMPIM) organized a works...
Expert talk - “Role ofmen...
Objective of the event: (why this event has organized, Brief about Importance...
Workshop on Profit and pe...
The workshop on 'Profit and Perils of Doing International Business,' hel...
Conference Research Works...
Workshop conducted by the distinguished Dr. Ashish Galande from the Indian Insti...
Seminar on “From Campus t...
On March 14th, 2024, the V.M. Patel Institute of Management (VMPIM) at Ganpat Un...
Summer Internship Worksho...
Ganpat University – V. M. Patel Institute of Management hosted an insightf...
FDP on Fostering Institutional Social Responsibility and Community Engagement in Higher Education Institutes

Organizers |
Faculty of Management Studies |
Email Address | |
Participants |
35 |
Contact No. |
(M): +91 - 9428055135 (M): +91 - 7043763662 |
Start Date |
19/09/2022 10:00 AM |
End Date |
24/09/2022 04:00 PM |
Venue |
Ganpat University - VMPIM, Ganpat Vidyanagar, Mehsana - Gozaria Highway, North Gujarat, Mehsana, Gujarat 384012 |
Social Media Share |
About FDP
The Faculty Development Programme (FDP) intends to prepare, sensitize and facilitate knowledge and skill necessary for fulfilling the Institutional Social Responsibility and Community Engagement. The purpose is to imbibe and develop skills for better understanding and developing the conscience about Institutional Social Responsibility and facilitating Community Engagement to mitigate the gaps between educational institutions and its nearby community.
To prepare, sensitize and facilitate knowledge among academicians about Social Responsibility and Community Engagement.
To develop skills pertaining to mentoring Institutional Social Responsibility among academicians.
Teaching Pedagogy
Interactive Teaching
Group Exercise
Exposure Visit
Hands on Training
Community Sensitization
Empathy & Emotional Connect
Case Discussion
Community Engagement (CE): For addressing the felt needs of the community which are within the competence of the education institution
Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR): For promoting Education Institution Social Responsibility towards the neighbours who give space, ground water, provide services and man power, manage waste, provide roads and transport
Project Management: For completing any task in a given time and with available budget
Mentoring: Orienting, continuous hand holding and guidance for community engagement of Higher Education Institutions.
Facilitation: For orienting on working with the communities by building consensus and sharing of resources
Who Can Participate: Faculty working in Higher Education Institution in Gujarat may apply for participation:
No. of Seat: 35
Participation Fee: No Participation will be charged. We are thankful to the funding agaency- MGNCRE Hyderabad for the support.
Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education (MGNCRE), seeks to strengthen the rural higher education curriculum and the faculty members transacting it through Faculty Development Centre (FDC) under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching on the issues related to Gandhian philosophy and Rural Engagement. FDC MGNCRE is now an advisory interface and a curriculum development agency for the Government of India, having made path-breaking initiatives such as developing curriculum, manuals, text books; and networking and engaging with Higher Education Institutions across the country with focus on Empowerment of Faculty, Capacity building and professionalization of Higher Education Institutions, Vocational Education, Experiential Learning, Skill development for livelihood, Rural and Social Entrepreneurship, Community Engagement, Curriculum and Academic contributions, Action Research Projects and Psycho-socialGuidance (specifically pre and post COVID). Linking work and education has earned MGNCRE the prestigious UNESCO Chair on Experiential Learning, Work Education and Community Engagement for its innovative interventions enhancing the capacities of higher education and research institutions through an integrated system of research, training, information and documentation activities related to rural community engagement, work education and experiential learning in teacher education and school education fields. The formation of more than 12000 Institutional Cells/Committees involving Vice Chancellors, Directors, Heads of Institutions, Faculty and students have engaged about 2.5 lakh students and 30,000 faculty members. MGNCRE also recognized, certified and awarded 400 Higher Education Institutions with District Green Champion Awards as part its Swachhta Action Plan activities. The Council seeks to usher in rural change and inclusive growth in India as a catalyst organisation. The Higher Education streams of focus for MGNCRE include: Rural Studies, Rural Development, Rural Management, Social Work and Education.
Contact us:
Ganpat University, Ganpat Vidyanagar, Mehsana - Gozaria Highway, North Gujarat, Mehsana, Gujarat 384012
Ph: 02762 286 896